Gua Sha
Acupuncture needles are the most common tool used by many acupuncturists but other tools or modalities can be used as well such as gua sha therapy. Gua sha treatments can be used alone to treat a patient or in conjunction with acupuncture needles.
A gua sha tool, which is simply a Chinese ceramic spoon, is used to gently rub across the skin after gua sha oil is applied. Gua sha is used similar to cupping but may be used across many parts of the body where cups may have difficulty staying in place. Gua sha is used to treat a smaller and more superficial area of the skin when compared to cupping.
Many patients call it a gua sha massage, because that is what it can feel like. The main principle of gua sha technique is to help promote the flow of qi and blood thus relieving pain and tension by increasing the circulation of blood and fluids. Gua sha is also beneficial for relieving allergy and cold symptoms like sinus or head congestion, sneezing, runny nose, red itchy eyes, and body aches. These symptoms are best treated as soon as you start noticing them and can greatly reduce the duration and severity of your condition.
After gua sha treatment there may be slight bruising or redness to the area, this is a normal part of the healing process and will disappear after a few days.